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But I’m Hip!!

Paper Boarding Pass or Digital? This is a decision fraught with implication! Let’s fly into it! Paper: Digital: Recently I was at the airport with my paper ticket. My daughter was say, “I checked us in, I have them on my phone! ” But she has two kids in tow, juggling carry on luggage, juice box and stuffed toys. I had no idea how much battery life her phone had and I wanted my paper ticket! A sweet gray haired man next to me was checking in on his phone. He was wearing a seniorish plaid shirt and jeans up…

In My Head I am 40

Among the most prevalent myths about aging is the one that one day you wake up and accept you are “old”. Or that “old people” know they are finished, cruising the margins of life, bored and disinterested in anything beyond metamucil or Biotin! Not so fast. It still comes as a shock to me. I am the same age as “old people!” How is that possible? I am full of optimism and hope even in these complex times, my sense of humor is intact, I ride a spin bike every morning, do aerobics at the gym, lift weights and walk…

How The Dishwasher Crushed Connection

Those of you reading this are probably seasoned enough to remember, your mom, or your grandma hanging clothes on the line to dry. The bag or basket of clothespins at her waist or hung over her shoulder, she moving side by side down the line of clothes. The rusty metal rods strung with clothesline swaying in the sun, with sheets or shirts bouncing in the breeze. While there is not much sweeter to our limbic system than the fragrance of sun dried laundry, warm and fresh in the laundry basket there is also that long lost art of reflection while…

Be Gentle With Your Partner

I am noticing in my conversations with couples that one of the two of them will tell me in confidence, “He’s losing his hearing but won’t get it tested” or “She’s starting to mumble all the time”. Or “I have stopped asking him to open jars, he can’t do it either!” Other topics: time to stop climbing ladder driving is becoming dangerous/risky little things are getting forgotten using power tools is more difficult the laundry basket suddenly feels really heavy The heavy wet laundry is awkward to move from washer to dryer getting the skillet from the bottom shelf is…

When It’s Too Late To Let Go

One of the most common conundrums I see with people in the third stage, is this: It’s clear they are slowing down but reluctant to let go of the idea they will live vigorously forever! Currently at mid 70s many of you are still climbing ladders, wielding chainsaws, lifting heavy pots and pans, bending over the oven, trimming the wisteria. Playing with grandkids wears you out but is still an adventure of running, getting down on all fours, playing tag. But can that last forever? One look at your parents, if they are alive into their 90s says “No, it…

Myths About Aging

So in 2022 I am coming clean about where I gather these insights. I help people move from one home to another. I help them shed memories of all colors, purge unnecessary burdens, mental or physical, overcome fears about making big decisions, let go of perceived negative outcomes; basically re orient them into a new home, a new chapter, a fresh start. This is work that is deeply personal as you step in and mess with people’s nest! But this has been an amazing opportunity to talk and share about this whole aging business and just how complex it is.…