The Dog Friends

The   Dog Friends

One never knows what the group you call family will consist of.

We are all so far flung from our natural extended family that in a crisis they could not do much for us. With a distance of 100 miles away or more , they can’t wrap there arms around you, make a pot of tea, call the doctor, or hold your hand. For those very important and immediate comforts ,you need trusted friends next door, around the block or a quick car ride away.

And you need them to love you. Accept you. And be willing to sacrifice some time.

I met The Dog Friends quite by accident when I went to visit a client selling the last of her legacy properties.  She was feeling poorly, at 80+ she had some little health challenges.

At her table,  when I arrived were her “Dog Friends”, women she had collected over the years who loved West Highland, White Terriers.

My client met one of her friends at the Aptos Parade when she exclaimed: “I have a dog just like that !” They shared stories of their beloved dogs and after the parade said “where should we go next?” It was decided to go to the home of the new found friend.

That was the start of a long tradition until one day there were over 35 Westies and lots of strangers at her house ! Year after year, the Dog Friends connected, adding more Dog Friends, owners of Westies they met through the San Francisco Bay West Highland White Terrier Club.   5 women who have looked after each other for over 25 years.

Divorces, surgeries, car wrecks, blue days, family squabbles all bring the Dog Friends together as a solace to each other. They bring smiles and laugher and perspective. And most important, trust and love and comfort.

Whether it’s dogs, or chickens, or fishing or bridge, find your circle and nurture it.

It will come in handy when you look up and somehow are 80 or 90 and need a laugh.

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